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  • Wednesday CPG INSIGHTS 07/08/24

Wednesday CPG INSIGHTS 07/08/24

🤩 Wednesday CPG Insights


Losing 10,000 Cans In A Production Run with Sarilla

Starting a beverage company comes with its unique set of challenges. Imagine the excitement of doing a manufacturing run, just to have 10,000 cans come out defective. This was the reality for Sara Delaney, founder of Sarilla. Her journey, however, is a powerful story of resilience, dedication, and mission-driven entrepreneurship that offers valuable lessons for emerging CPG founders.

CPG Financing Guide by Keith Kohler

Are you looking for debt financing sources for your CPG brand to support your growth?  Keith Kohler, the Financing Man and long-term Foodbevy collaborator, has put together this online version of his book CPG Financing Guide (that was published in December 2023) and is making it available to our community. 

It covers debt financing options across the four financing stages of your business:

  1. Start-Up and Early Stage

  2. Growth / Pre-Profitability

  3. Breakeven to Profitable

  4. Multi-Year Profitability


E-commerce Photography that Converts

When it comes to e-commerce, every photo on your product page matters. A great image does more than just show a product; it conveys quality, sparks desire, and builds trust. Each photo should align with a specific reason why a customer would want to buy it.

Let’s break down how to turn website viewers into buyers.


Retail Ecomm Corner: What is Shoppability?

You put in a lot of time and effort into your digital marketing efforts, but are you making sure your products are easy to buy? Shoppability is about transforming every potential customer interaction into an opportunity for purchase—yet, what exactly does it mean to make “everything” shoppable?



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About Foodbevy

Foodbevy helps food and beverage brands grow from startup to scale through inspiration, education, and partnership.

Jordan Buckner


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